Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei privi cum ard
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca imi place cum doare
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei auzi cum plang
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Vers 1
Nu pot spune ce e cu adevarat
Pot spune doar cum se simte
Si chiar acum e un cutit de otel
In traheea mea
Nu pot sa respir dar inca ma lupt
Cat inca mai pot sa ma lupt
Cat timp raul se simte bine
E ca si cand sunt in zbor
Ridicat de o iubire
Beat de ura
Ma enervez
Si iubesc asta cu cat sufar mai mult
Ma sufoc
Si inainte sa ma innec
Ea ma suresciteaza
Ma uraste
Si iubesc asta
Asteapta,unde te duci
Te parasesc
Ba nu,intoarce-te
Ne intoarcem,din nou
E asa nebunesc
Caci atunci cand merge bine e grozav
Sunt Superman cu aripa in rucsac
Ea e Lois Lane
Dar cand e rau,e ingrozitor
Ma simt asa de rusinat
Anticipez,cine e tipul ala
Nici macar nu stiu cum il cheama
Imi pun mainile pe ea
Nu ma voi mai injosi asa din nou
Cred ca nu imi cunosc propria putere
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei privi cum ard
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca imi place cum doare
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei auzi cum plang
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Vers 2
Ai iubit vreodata pe cineva atat de mult
Incat abia poti respira
Cand esti cu ea
Va intalniti si niciunul dintre voi
Nu stie ce l-a lovit
Ai sentimentul acela ciudat de caldura
Da,fiorii,obisnuiam sa-i am
Acum te saturi sa te mai uiti la ea
Juri ca nu o vei lovi niciodata
Ca nu vei face nimic ca sa o raneasca
Acum sunteti fata in fata
Improscand venin si aceste cuvinte
Va impingeti,va luati de par
Va zgariati,va muscati
Va aruncati pe jos
Atata de pierduti in momente
E furia care a pus stapanire
Va controleaza pe amandoi
Se spune ca e mai bine sa mergeti pe drumuri separate
Cred ca nu te cunosc,caci azi
Asta a fost ieri,ieri a trecut
E o alta zi,suna ca piese stricate
Cantand la nesfarsit
Dar i-ai promis
Data viitoare te vei abtine
Nu vei mai primi alta sansa
Viata nu e un joc Nintendo
Dar ai mintit din nou
Acum trebuie sa o privesti cum pleaca
Pe fereastra
Cred ca de asta se numeste ochi de fereastra
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei privi cum ard
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca imi place cum doare
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei auzi cum plang
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Vers 3
Acum stiu ca am spus lucruri
Am facut lucruri
Pe care nu le-am vrut cu adevarat
Si ne intoarcem
Pe aceleasi urme,aceiasi rutina
Dar temperamentul tau e la fel de rau ca al meu
Esti la fel ca mine
Dar cand e vorba de iubire
Esti la fel de oarba
Iubito,te rog,intoarce-te
Nu ai fost tu de vina
Iubito,eu am fost cel vinovat
Poate relatia noastra nu e
Asa de nebunesca precum pare
Poate asta se intampla cand
O tornada intalneste un vulcan
Tot ce stiu e ca te iubesc prea mult
Ca sa merg mai departe
Vino inauntru
Ia-ti bagajele de pe trotuar
Nu auzi sinceritatea din vocea mea
Cand vorbesc
Ti-am zis ca e vina mea
Uita-te in ochii mei
Data viitoare voi fi furios
Voi da cu pumnul in tavanul uscat
Data viitoare,nu va fi nicio data viitoare
Imi cer iertare
Chiar daca stiu ca sunt minciuni
M-am saturat de jocuri
Doar o vreau inapoi
Stiu ca sunt un mincinos
Daca va mai incerca sa plece vreodata
O voi lega de pat
Si voi da foc la casa
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei privi cum ard
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca imi place cum doare
Vei sta acolo
Si ma vei auzi cum plang
Dar e in regula
Pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care minti
Iubesc modul in care mintï
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife
In my windpipe
I can't breathe
But I still fight
While I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right
It's like I'm in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It's like I'm huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer
I sufficate
And right before im about to drown
She resuscitates me
She fucking hates me
And I love it
Where you going
I'm leaving you
No you ain't
Come back
We're running right back
Here we go again
It's so insane
Cause when it's going good
It's going great
I'm Superman
With the wind in his bag
She's Lois Lane
But when it's bad
It's awful
I feel so ashamed
I snap
Who's that dude
I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her
I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe
When you're with them
You meet
And neither one of you
Even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills
Used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick
Of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em
Never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face
Spewing venom
And these words
When you spit 'em
You push
Pull each other's hair
Scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down
Pin 'em
So lost in the moments
When you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over
It controls you both
So they say it's best
To go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
Cause today
That was yesterday
Yesterday is over
It's a different day
Sound like broken records
Playin' over
But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Now I know we said things
Did things
That we didn't mean
And we fall back
Into the same patterns
Same routine
But your temper's just as bad
As mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love
You're just as blinded
Baby please come back
It wasn't you
Baby it was me
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens
When a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is
I love you too much
To walk away though
Come inside
Pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity
In my voice when I talk
Told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed
I'll aim my fist
At the dry wall
Next time
There will be no next time
I apologize
Even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games
I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
I'mma tie her to the bed
And set the house on fire
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lïe
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