E ca si cum el nu aude niciun cuvant din ce zic,
Mintea lui e undeva departe
Si eu nu stiu cum sa ajung acolo.
E ca si cum tot ce vrea el este sa se distreze.
(Ea e serioasa)
El ma fac e sa vreau sa imi smulg tot parul
(Ea e intotdeauna grabita si intrerupta(?) )
Ca si cum nici macar nu i-ar pasa.
(Ca si cum nici macar nu i-ar pasa.)
[Demi + Joe:]
Tu, eu
Suntem fata in fata
Dar nu ne vedem ochi in ochi.
Ca focul si ploaia (Ca focul si ploaia)
Poti sa ma inebunesti (poti sa ma inebunesti)
Dar nu pot sta suparata pe tine pentru nimic.
Suntem ca Venus si Marte (Venus si Marte)
Suntem ca stele diferite (Ca stele diferite)
Tu esti armonia fiecarui cantec pe care il cant.
Si nu as schimba nimic.
Ea incearca mereu sa salveze ziua,
Vrea doar sa lase muzica mea sa cante.
Ea este totul sau nimic,
Dar sentimentele mele nu se vor schimba niciodata.
[Demi (Joe:)]
De ce incearca mereu sa imi citeasca mintea?
(Incerc sa ii citesc mintea)
Nu este bun la psihoanaliza(?).
(Ea incearca sa inceapa o cearta pentru a capta atentia)
Asta spun toti prietenii mei.
(Asta spun toti prietenii mei)
[Demi + Joe:]
Tu, eu
Suntem fata in fata
Dar nu ne vadem ochi in ochi.
Ca focul si ploaia (Ca focul si ploaia)
Poti sa ma inebunesti (poti sa ma inebunesti)
Dar nu pot sta suparata pe tine pentru nimic.
Suntem ca Venus si Marte (Venus si Marte)
Suntem ca stele diferite (Ca stele diferite)
Tu esti armonia fiecarui cantec pe care il cant.
Si nu as schimba nimic.
[J:] Cand eu spun da, ea zice nu.
[D:] Cand eu tin, el ii da drumul (?)
[J+D:] Suntem perfect imperfecti,
Dar nu as schimba nimic, nu.
Ca focul si ploaia (Ca focul si ploaia)
Poti sa ma inebunesti (poti sa ma inebunesti)
Dar nu pot sta suparata pe tine pentru nimic.
Suntem ca Venus si Marte (Venus si Marte)
Suntem ca stele diferite (Ca stele diferite)
Tu esti armonia fiecarui cantec pe care il cant.
Si nu as schimba nimic.
Dar nu pot sta suparata pe tine pentru nimic.
Suntem ca Venus si Marte (Venus si Marte)
Suntem ca stele diferite (Ca stele diferite)
Tu esti armonia fiecarui cantec pe care il cant.
Si nu as schimba nimïc.
[Demi (Joe):]
It's like, he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far away
And I don't know how to get there
It's like all he wants is to chill out
(She's serious)
He makes me wanna pull all my hair out
(She's always in a rush and interrupted)
Like he doesn't even care
(Like she doesn't even care)
[Demi + Joe:]
You, me
We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
You're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
She's always trying to save the day
Just wanna let my music play
She's all or nothing
But my feeling's never change
[Demi (Joe:)]
Why does he try to read my mind?
(I try to read her mind)
It's not good to psychoanalyze
(She tries to pick a fight to get attention)
That's what all of my friends say
(That's what all of my friends say)
[Demi + Joe:]
You, me
We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
but you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
[J:] When I'm yes, she's no
[D:] When I hold on, he just lets go
[J + D:] We're perfectly imperfect
But I wouldn't change a thing, no
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
but you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
but you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a
Wouldn't change a thing
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