luni, 28 decembrie 2009

La multi ani, Adela Popescu!

Indragita actrita din telenovelele autohtone, Adela Popescu, implineste astazi 23 de ani. Inca nu stim cum isi va sarbatori ziua de nastere, dar presupunem ca nu departe de platoul de filmare.

La o trecere in revista a carierei sale, se poate spune ca Adela Popescu este una dintre actritele preferate pentru rolurile de fata buna. Practic, publicul larg a inceput sa o cunoasca odata cu rolul din prima telenovela romaneasca, `Numai iubirea`. Se intampla in 2004.

Au urmat rolurile din telenovelele `Lacrimi de Iubire` (2005), `Iubire ca in filme` (2006), `Ingerasii` (2008), plus rolul din filmul `Weekend cu mama` (2009). In prezent, Adela Popescu este protagonista in primul serial de epoca din Romania, `Aniela`.

Pe plan muzical, Adela a lansat albumele: `Lacrimi de iubire`, `Iubire ca in filme` si `Raspunsul meu`.

Zece pentru Romania 2009: Andra a castigat trofeul `Interpreti vocali`

Andra a primit trofeul sectiunii `Interpreti vocali` in cadrul galei Zece pentru Romania 2009, ce a avut loc aseara (21 decembrie) la Ateneul Roman.

Pe locul 2 in Topul interpretilor vocali din Romania s-a clasat cantareata de muzica populara Irina Loghin, iar pe 3 `stapanul` Salii Palatului Stefan Banica Jr.

In Top 10 au intrat si Fuego (locul 4), Maria Ciobanu – in ciuda sau poate chiar datorita scandalului mostenirii (locul 5), Nicolae Furdui Iancu (locul 6), Sofia Vicoveanca (locul 7), Maria Dragomiroiu (locul 8), Petrica Mitu Stoian (locul 9) si Ionut Dolanescu (locul 10).

La categoria `Actori` din cadrul Zece pentru Romania 2009, prima pozitie i-a revenit lui Florin Piersic.

Alexandru Arsinel s-a clasat pe locul 2, Gheorghe Dinica pe 4, iar Adela Popescu pe 8.

Castigatori trofee Zece pentru Romania 2009:

Orase: Cluj Napoca si Constanta
Interpreti vocali: Andra
Licee: Colegiul National Mircea cel Batran, Constanta
Actori: Florin Piersic
Sportivi: Adrian Mutu (Juriul a decis insa ca laureatii la Categoria Sportivi sa fie Marian Dragulescu si Lucian Bute, pentru performantele lor din acest an)
Brand-uri romanesti: Borsec
Oameni de Afaceri: Ion Tiriac
Jurnalisti: Mircea Badea
Politicieni: Traian Basescu

Trofeul de excelenta Zece pentru Romania 2009 le-a fost decernat lui Ioan Savu si lui Dumitru Dinca, participanti la Revolutia din 1989.

Trofee de Excelenta pentru intreaga cariera au fost acordate istoricului Lucian Boia, sportivului Ivan Patzaichin, antrenorului Octavian Belu, actritei Olga Tudorache , sportivei Iolanda Balas Soter, academicianului neurochirurg Leon Danaila si lui Ion Diaconescu - fost presedinte al PNT-CD, fost presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor.

duminică, 27 decembrie 2009

About Ireland

Ireland is occupied by two political entities:
The Republic of Ireland (officially Ireland), a sovereign state that covers five-sixths of the island. Its capital is Dublin.
Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom that the remaining sixth. Its capital is Belfast.

Traditionally, Ireland is subdivided into four provinces: Connacht (west), Leinster (east), Munster (south), and Ulster (north). In a system that developed between the 13th and 17th centuries, Ireland has thirty-two traditional counties.[10] Twenty-six of the counties are in the Republic of Ireland, and six counties are in Northern Ireland.

The six of Ulster's nine counties that constitute Northern Ireland are all in the province of Ulster (which has nine counties in total). As such, "Ulster" is often used as a synonym for Northern Ireland, although Ulster and Northern Ireland are neither synonymous nor co-terminous. Counties Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford and Tipperary have been broken up into smaller administrative areas. However, they are still considered by the Ordnance Survey Ireland to be official counties. The counties in Northern Ireland are no longer used for local governmental purposes, though their traditional boundaries are still used for informal purposes such as sports leagues, etc.[11] and in some other cultural, ceremonial or tourism contexts.

The area of Ireland is 84,421 km2 (32,595 sq mi).[2] A ring of coastal mountains surround low plains at the centre of the island. The highest of these is Carrauntoohil (Irish: Corrán Tuathail) in County Kerry, which rises to 1,038 m (3,406 ft) above sea level.[18][19] The least arable land lies in the south-western and western counties.[citation needed] These areas are largely mountainous and rocky, with green panoramic vistas. The River Shannon, at 386 km (240 mi), the island's longest river, rises in County Cavan in the north west and flows 113 kilometres (70 mi) to Limerick city in the mid west.[20][21]

The island's lush vegetation, a product of its mild climate and frequent rainfall, earns it the sobriquet the Emerald Isle. Overall, Ireland has a mild but changeable oceanic climate with few extremes. The climate is typically insular and is temperate avoiding the extremes in temperature of many other areas in the world at similar latitudes.[22] This is a result of the moderating moist winds which ordinarily prevail from the South-Western Atlantic.

Precipitation falls throughout the year, but is light overall, particularly in the east. The west tends to be wetter on average and prone to Atlantic storms, especially in the late autumn and winter months. These occasionally bring destructive winds and higher total rainfall to these areas, as well as sometimes snow and hail. The regions of north County Galway and east County Mayo have the highest incidents of recorded lightning annually for the island, with lightening occurring approximately five to ten days per year in these areas.[23] Munster, in the south, records the least snow whereas Ulster, in the north, records the most.

Inland areas are warmer in summer and colder in winter. Usually around 40 days of the year are below freezing (0 °C/32 °F) at inland weather stations, compared to 10 days at coastal stations. Ireland is sometimes affected by heat waves, most recently in 1995, 2003 and 2006. In 2009, temperatures fell below −7 °C (19.4 °F), which is unusually cold for Ireland, and caused up to 1⁄2 m (1.64 ft) of snow in mountain areas. In Dublin, there was 10 cm (3.9 in) of snow in places.

The warmest recorded air temperature was 33.3 °C (91.9 °F) (Kilkenny Castle, County Kilkenny, June 1887) and the lowest was −19.1 °C (−2.4 °F) (Markree Castle, County Sligo, January 1881).[24] The greatest recorded annual rainfall was 3,964.9 mm (156.1 in) (Ballaghbeama Gap, County Kerry, 1960). The driest year was 1887, with only 356.6 mm (14.0 in) of rain recorded at Glasnevin. The longest period of absolute drought was in Limerick where there was no recorded rainfall over 38 days during April and May 1938

Most of Ireland was covered with ice until the end of the last glacial period over 9,000 years ago. Sea-levels were lower and Ireland, as with its neighbour Britain, were part of continental Europe rather than being islands. Mesolithic stone age inhabitants arrived some time after 8,000 BC.
Stone age passage tombs at Carrowmore, County Sligo

Agriculture arrived with the Neolithic around 4,500 to 4,000 BC when sheep, goats, cattle and cereals were imported from southwest continental Europe. An extensive Neolithic field system, arguably the oldest in the world,[39] dating from a little after this period has been preserved beneath a blanket of peat in present-day County Mayo at the Céide Fields. Consisting of small fields separated from one another by dry-stone walls, the fields were farmed for several centuries between 3,500 and 3,000 BC. Wheat and barley were the principal crops.[40] The Bronze Age, which began around 2,500 BC, saw the production of elaborate gold and bronze ornaments, weapons and tools. The Iron Age in Ireland was supposedly associated with people known as Celts. They are traditionally thought to have colonised Ireland in a series of waves between the 8th and 1st centuries BC. The Gaels, the last wave of Celts, are said to have divided the island into five or more kingdoms after conquering it. Many scientists and academic scholars now favour a view that emphasises cultural diffusion from overseas as opposed to colonisation such as what Clonycavan Man was reported to represent.[41][42]

The Romans referred to Ireland as Hibernia[43] or Scotia[44][45] and the Romano-Greek geographer Ptolemy[46] in 100 AD recorded Ireland's geography and tribes.[47] The exact relationship between the Roman Empire and the tribes of ancient Ireland is unclear. The only references are from a few Roman writings whereas native accounts are confined to Irish poetry, myth, and archaeology.

A failure of the ubiquitous potato crop resulted in the Irish Famine of 1740–41 resulted in the death of about 400,000 people from the ensuing pestilance and disease. The Irish government provided significant relief and contained the damage as much as possible and the economy and population of Ireland boomed in the latter part of this century. In 1782, Poynings Law was repealled giving making Ireland virtual sovereignty from England for the first time (in law at least) since the Norman invasion.

However, the British government retained the ability to nominate the government of Ireland above the choice of the Irish parliament. Against this interference, in 1798, many members of the Protestant dissenter tradition made common cause with Roman Catholics in a rebellion inspired by and led by the Society of United Irishmen. It was staged with the aim of creating a fully independent Ireland as a state with a republican constitution. Despite assistance from France the Irish Rebellion of 1798 was put down by British and Irish governments and yeoman forces. In 1800, the British and Irish Parliaments passed the Act of Union which, effective as of January 1801, merged the Kingdom of Ireland and the Kingdom of Great Britain to create a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The passage of the Act in the Irish Parliament was ultimately achieved with substantial majorities, having failed on the first attempt in 1799. According to contemporary documents and historical analysis, this was achieved through a considerable degree of bribery, with funding provided by the British Secret Service Office, and a the awarding of peerages, places and honours to secure their affirmative votes.[59] Thus, Ireland became part of an extended United Kingdom, ruled directly by the UK Parliament in London. A Viceregal administration was established and under the government appointed the Chief Secretary at Dublin Castle.
Emigrants Leave Ireland, an engraving by Henry Doyle depicting the emigration to The United States because of the Great Famine in Ireland.

The Great Famine of the 1840s caused the deaths of one million Irish people. Over a million more emigrated to escape it.[60] By the end of the decade, half of all immigration to the United States was from Ireland. Mass emigration became deeply entrenched and the population continued to decline until the mid 20th century. Immediately prior to the famine, the population was recorded as 8.2 million by the 1841 census.[61] The population has never returned to this level since.[62] The population continue to fall until 1961 and it was not until the 2006 census that the last county of Ireland to (County Leitrim) to record a rise in population since 1841 did so.

marți, 1 decembrie 2009


Astazi este ziua noastra a romanilor si eu aici din Irlanda va urez la multi ani pt ca desi locuiesc intr-o tara straina sant romanca si astept cu nerabdare verile sa merg in Romania.

Asta este pt voi dragi romani! Imnul nostru national pe care primele strofe le-am invatat la scoala in Romania alaturi de invatatoarea mea Juravle Mariana.

Asta este pt voi dragi Romani!

Deşteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte,
În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani!
Acum ori niciodată croieşte-ţi altă soarte,
La care să se-nchine şi cruzii tăi duşmani!

Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi la lume
Că-n aste mâni mai curge un sânge de roman,
Şi că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume
Triumfător în lupte, un nume de Traian!

Înalţă-ţi lata frunte şi caută-n giur de tine,
Cum stau ca brazi în munte voinici sute de mii;
Un glas ei mai aşteaptă şi sar ca lupi în stâne,
Bătrâni, bărbaţi, juni, tineri, din munţi şi din câmpii!

Priviţi, măreţe umbre, Mihai, Ştefan, Corvine,
Româna naţiune, ai voştri strănepoţi,
Cu braţele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
„Viaţă-n libertate ori moarte!” strigă toţi.

Pre voi vă nimiciră a pizmei răutate
Şi oarba neunire la Milcov şi Carpaţi!
Dar noi, pătrunşi la suflet de sfânta libertate,
Jurăm că vom da mâna, să fim pururea fraţi!

O mamă văduvită de la Mihai cel Mare
Pretinde de la fii-şi azi mână d-ajutori,
Şi blastămă cu lacrimi în ochi pe orişicare,
În astfel de pericol s-ar face vânzători!

De fulgere să piară, de trăsnet şi pucioasă,
Oricare s-ar retrage din gloriosul loc,
Când patria sau mama, cu inimă duioasă,
Va cere ca să trecem prin sabie şi foc!

N-ajunse iataganul barbarei semilune,
A cărui plăgi fatale şi azi le mai simţim;
Acum se vâră cnuta în vetrele străbune,
Dar martor ne e Domnul că vii nu o primim!

N-ajunse despotismul cu-ntreaga lui orbie,
Al cărui jug din seculi ca vitele-l purtăm ;
Acum se-ncearcă cruzii, în oarba lor trufie,
Să ne răpească limba, dar morţi numai o dăm!

Români din patru unghiuri, acum ori niciodată
Uniţi-vă în cuget, uniţi-vă-n simţiri!
Strigaţi în lumea largă că Dunărea-i furată
Prin intrigă şi silă, viclene uneltiri!

Preoţi, cu cruce-n frunte! căci oastea e creştină,
Deviza-i libertate şi scopul ei preasfânt.
Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăşi în vechiul nost' pământ!

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009


Stateam intr-o Duminica pe fotoliu si ma uitam la Stiri pe PRO TV. Au fost mai multe stiri si dupa aceea a fost o stire precum ca o sa fie APOCALIPSA pe 21 Decembrie 2012 precum calendarului Maya (cine crede lasa-ti un comentariu).Eu una nu stiu daca sa cred sau nu.Va rog frumos sa imi spuneti si mie ce sa cred?De cand am auzit nu imi pot scoate din cap este foarte greu. Astept sa vad ce o sa se intample pana atunci.

duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

O leapsa de la verisorul meu Ionel

1. Ce speli prima data la dus?


2. Care e culoarea ta de helanca preferata?


3. Îti place cafeaua?


4..Cum te simti acum?


5. Care e ultima litera din numele persoanei de care esti îndragostita?


6. Care e ultimul vis pe care l’ai avut?

Nu mai tin minte.

7. Ai putea mânca o luna întreaga felul tau de mâncare preferat fara sa te saturi de el?


8. De ce ai o pofta puternica acum?

Sa conduc.

9. La ce te gândesti când auzi cuvântul “varza”?

La varza facuta cu carne.

10. Ai numarat vreodata pâna la 1000?


11. Musti sau lingi înghetata?

O ling ca e prea rece.

12. Folosesti emoticoane?

Sigur ca da.

13. Câte dormitoare are casa ta?


14. Ai cunoscut vreodata o celebritate?

Nu. Da mi-as dori sa o cunosc pe Miley Cyrus :).

15. Iti place brânza?

Asa si asa.

16. Care e ultima melodie de care ai fost obsedat?

Puya - Change.

17. Câte tari ai vizitat?

8 tari. Romania, Ungaria, Austria, Germania, Belgia, Franta, Anglia si final destination Irlanda unde locuiesc, drumul asta cred ca l-am facut de vreo 5 ori, prin aceste tari. Oricum frumoase tari.

18. Sunt parintii tai severi?


19. Ai sari cu parasuta/parapanta/planorul?

Doamne fereste!niciodata!

20. Ai lua masa cu George W. Bush?

Daca imi plateste drumul bineinteles.

21. E ceva stralucitor în camera ta?


22. Închiriezi filme?


23. Unde vei merge sâmbata seara?

In pat la culcare.

24. Oua albe sau maro?


25. Îti place muzica?


26. Ai mers cu trenul?


27. Ce zi a saptamânii e?


29. Ce face mâine prietenul tau cea mai bun?

Merge la scoala.

30. Ai vazut filmul The Butterfly Effect?


31. Ce crezi despre Yankees?

Nu stiu ce inseamna.

32.. Ai parul ondulat?


33. Când ai plâns ultima data?

Saptamana trecuta.

34. Ai intrat vreodata într’un zid?

Inca nu am orbit sa intru in zid.

35. Anotimpul preferat?


36. Adormi cu televizorul deschis?


37. Ai baut vreodata alcool direct din sticla?


38. Crezi ca esti batrân/a?


39. Ti’e frica de întuneric?


40. Îti place viata ta momentan?

Da ca inca sunt copil si de asta.

42. Ai o vedere buna?

Super. Vad de la un kilometru :))

43. Poti sa faci hula hoop?


44. Unde sunt parintii tai?

Cu mine aici in Irlanda.

45. Ai fost vreodata sarutat în lift?


46. Care e urmatorul CD pe care îl vei cumpara?

Miley Cyrus - Breakout.

47. Ai intrat într’o încapere pe fereastra vreodata?

Da cand mi-am uitat cheia acasa am asteptat pana a venit tati acasa.

48. Ce ai cumparat ultima data?

O geanta.

49. Cât de des vorbesti la telefon?

Nu prea des. Ca mi-am uitat cartela de Irlanda in Romania.

50. Esti într’o relatie complicata?


51. Ai pus piedica cuiva vreodata?

Da, din greseala.

52. Folosesti betisoare chinezesti?


53. Ierti prea mult?


54. Detii o arma?


55. Ai fost vreodata într’un castel?


56. Îti place parul tau?

Da dar inainte sa il spal ca dupa ce is spal parca am bagat degetele in priza :)).

57. Îti place de tine?

Da ca sunt frumusica:)

58. Esti mai apropiat/a de mami sau de tati?

De tati

59. Ti’a placut leapsa asta ?!

Da a fost dstractiv sa o fac.

Leapsa merge mai departe pentru cine doreste.

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009


Sunt: Mihaela Juravle Florentina toata lumea imi spune Mihaela.

As vrea: Sa am 18 ani si sa dau de permis de conducere a unei masini.

Pastrez : Totul ce primesc cu Hannah Montana.

Mi-as dori: Sa merg in Italia sau in Londra.

Nu imi place: Politica.

Ma tem: De gripa porcina.

Aud: Multe voci.

Imi pare rau: Ca nu concerteaza Miley Cyrus in Romania deocamdata.

Imi place: Hannah Montana si muzica.

Nu sunt: Decat o eleva.

Danssez: Cand e muzica buna.

Cant: Daca o aud cantand pe Miley Cyrus.

Niciodata: Sa nu fac nici un rau la nimeni, si sa-i ascult pe parintii mei.

Rar : Ma joc cu prietenii, ca in Irlanda nu prea am prieteni.

Plang : Cand imi este dor de bunicii mei din Romania si ne separa atatea mii de kilometri.

Nu imi place de mine pt ca : Nu am anii pe care ii vreau.

Sunt confuza: Pt. ca nu stiu ce se va intampla cu viata mea, incotro va urma.

Am nevoie de: Mai multi prieteni loiali.

Ar trebui: Sa invat si sa ma concentrez pe ceea ce fac.

Taken from ioneltorac, Daniel XXL, Oxigen.

About Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Xhosa pronunciation: [xoˈliɬaɬa manˈdeːla]; born 18 July 1918 in Transkei, South Africa)[1] is a former President of South Africa, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election, who held office from 1994–99. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of the African National Congress's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. The South African courts convicted him on charges of sabotage, as well as other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid. In accordance with his conviction, Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island. He is currently a celebrated elder statesman who continues to voice his opinion on topical issues. In South Africa he is often known as Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan. The title has come to be synonymous with Nelson Mandela.
Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela supported reconciliation and negotiation, and helped lead the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, many have frequently praised Mandela, including former opponents. Mandela has received more than one hundred awards over four decades, most notably the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
On 5 August 1962 Mandela was arrested after living on the run for seventeen months, and was imprisoned in the Johannesburg Fort.He was arrsted in a prison on Robinson Island.

Neloson Mandela closed his statement with these words:

During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.

duminică, 4 octombrie 2009

Despre Liceul la care o sa merg

Hei mai am un an si merg la liceu.Sunt in clasa a sasea acuma dar aici in Irlanda in clasa a saptea se merge la liceu.Eu o sa merg la Adamstown Secondary school.O sa fie foarte bine.Mai am inca trei colege del a sc care merg acolo.Deabea astept sa va povestesc cum e acolo la sc:).

duminică, 20 septembrie 2009

Hannah Montana-Let's Dance

The weekend's almost done
The moon is low in the sky
I feel like going out
Before the night passes by
I won't just sit around
When life becomes a drag
I dance

I like the bass - turn it up
I like the boom - turn it up
I need guitar - turn it up
I like that drum - when it goes...

Let's dance
What the weekend, what the night is all about
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends, grab your boyfriend
Sweat it out
Let's Dance
Move your whole body
Let's start the party
To much rock for one girl can make her go crazy
I need someone to dance with me baby

The music's on - turn it up
My favorite song - turn it up
The beat's strong - well turn it up
And we'll dance

When the night says hello
Yeah, get ready to go
Turn it up, turn it loose
Yeah you've got no excuse
Just take a chance
Get out on the floor and dance

Let's dance
What the weekend, what the night is all about
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends, grab your boyfriend
Sweat it out
Let's Dance
Move your whole body
Let's start the party
As soon as my album goes number one
Mr.Lenard would like a Rolex with 40 diamonds

miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009

Colours and crests

Cork's traditional colours are red and white, however, it was not always this way. In the early days the county wore a blue-coloured jersey with a saffron-coloured 'C' emblazoned on the chest. All this changed in 1919 when Cork were preparing to play Dublin in the All-Ireland Hurling Final. In the week leading up to the game, British forces broke into the county board offices on Maylor Street in the city centre and seized all of Cork's jerseys. Because of this the county board borrowed jerseys from the now-defunct Father O'Leary Temperance Association team. Cork went on to win the game, ending a sixteen-year barren spell. Because of this win Cork decided to wear the 'lucky' red jerseys in all future games.

The red and white colour scheme that has been worn since has carried a psychological impact for opposing teams. This has led to the Cork strip being nicknamed the blood and bandage. A colour clash with Louth in the 1957 All-Ireland Football Final saw Cork wear the blue jerseys once again, however, on this occasion it was the blue jersey of the province of Munster. In 1976 Cork's footballers became involved in an incident known as 'the three stripes affair.' Before the Munster football final Cork were offered a set of Adidas jerseys. The use of these jerseys caused controversy as it seemed to undermine the promotion of Irish manufacturers.

Cork's alternative colours are traditionally white jerseys and white shorts. These were most famously worn in the 1973 All-Ireland Football Final when Cork defeated Galway to take their fourth title. They were worn again during the 1990s when Cork faced Down in the All-Ireland series. Since then, Cork have generally worn their traditional red jerseys on all occasions.

The current Cork GAA badge is based around the traditional coat of arms of Cork city. It features the King's old castle and the Queen's old castle with the Shandon Steeple in between. The badge also features a hurley and a football.

joi, 10 septembrie 2009


Television (TV) is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, either monochromatic ("black and white") or color, usually accompanied by sound. "Television" may also refer specifically to a television set, television programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τῆλε), far, and Latin visio, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person).

Commercially available since the late 1930s, the television set has become a common communications receiver in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a source of entertainment and news. Since the 1970s the availability of video cassettes, laserdiscs, DVDs and now Blu-ray discs, have resulted in the television set frequently being used for viewing recorded as well as broadcast material.

Although other forms such as closed-circuit television are in use, the most common usage of the medium is for broadcast television, which was modeled on the existing radio broadcasting systems developed in the 1920s, and uses high-powered radio-frequency transmitters to broadcast the television signal to individual TV receivers.

Broadcast TV is typically disseminated via radio transmissions on designated channels in the 54-890 megahertz frequency band[1]. Signals are now often transmitted with stereo and/or surround sound in many countries. Until the 2000s broadcast TV programs were generally recorded and transmitted as an analog signal, but in recent years public and commercial broadcasters have been progressively introducing digital television broadcasting technology.

A standard television set comprises multiple internal electronic circuits, including those for receiving and decoding broadcast signals. A visual display device which lacks a tuner is properly called a monitor, rather than a television. A television system may use different technical standards such as digital television (DTV) and high-definition television (HDTV). Television systems are also used for surveillance, industrial process control, and guiding of weapons, in places where direct observation is difficult or dangerous.

Amateur television (ham TV or ATV) is also used for experimentation, pleasure and public service events by amateur radio operators. Ham TV stations were on the air in many cities before commercial TV stations came on the air.

sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009

Lucan,County Dublin

Lucan is generally considered in two parts - old Lucan, and new Lucan. Old Lucan consists of the main town of Lucan, containing smaller roads and shops, resting in the Liffey Valley. New Lucan is considered to be the majority of the newer housing developments, built South of the main town, out of the valley, and stretching as far as Clondalkin.

Lucan has undergone enormous change since the early-1990s. It is road after road of identical houses occupied by the new aspiring middle classes, or "decklanders", as economist David McWilliams terms them. After the building of the M50 motorway and N4 interchange, and the staggering increase in house prices and jobs during the Celtic Tiger era of the 1990s, Lucan quickly became one of the more reasonably priced areas in the south Dublin area. Given its easy access to Dublin City and relatively modest house prices compared to older more established areas in closer proximity to Dublin City many thousands of homes were built in a matter of years. Building development is still ongoing on a large, albeit reduced scale today. Where once it was considered as a completely separate satellite town of Dublin, Lucan is now perceived as part of the Dublin urban area (although the M50 motorway ensures that the two do not physically merge with each other), and it is the first town one meets when leaving Dublin on the N4.

Although there has been a substantial increase in housing built in the Lucan area in recent times, development of recreational, cultural and commercial facilities have been minimal, leaving young people in particular with little to do. However, the fact that Lucan enjoys one of the highest rates of third level entry in the country speaks volumes of the youth in the area. This is partly because Lucan is located within 15 km of four universities, three in Dublin and one in Maynooth, plus Dublin Institute of Technology.

With the large population increases came jobs and high-profile retail developments, but traffic congestion has become a major problem. The N4 is considered one of the most congested roads in the city; particularly where it meets the M50, as traffic regularly stretches back for up to 5 kilometres at rush hour. Upgrade schemes are currently under construction for both the N4 and N4/M50 interchange to help remedy these problems.

The English Channel

The length of the Channel is most often defined as the line between Land's End and Ushant at the (arbitrarily defined) western end, and the Strait of Dover at the eastern end. The strait is also the Channel's narrowest point, while its widest point lies between Lyme Bay and the Gulf of Saint Malo near the midpoint of the waterway.[1] It is relatively shallow, with an average depth of about 120 m (390 ft) at its widest part, reducing to a depth of about 45 m (150 ft) between Dover and Calais. From there eastwards the adjoining North Sea continues to shallow to about 26 m (85 ft) in the Broad Fourteens where it lies over the watershed of the former land bridge between East Anglia and the Low Countries. It reaches a maximum depth of 180 m (590 ft) in the submerged valley of Hurds Deep, 30 mi (48 km) west-northwest of Guernsey.[3] The eastern region along the French coast between Cherbourg and the mouth of the Seine river at Le Havre is frequently referred to as the Bay of the Seine (French: Baie de Seine)[4].

Several major islands are situated in the Channel, the most notable being the Isle of Wight off the English coast and the British crown dependencies the Channel Islands off the coast of France. The Isles of Scilly off the far southwest coast of England are not generally counted as being in the Channel. The coastline, particularly on the French shore, is deeply indented. The Cotentin Peninsula in France juts out into the Channel, and the Isle of Wight creates a small parallel channel known as the Solent.

The Channel is of geologically recent origins, having been dry land for most of the Pleistocene period. It is thought to have been created between 450,000 and 180,000 years ago by two catastrophic glacial lake outburst floods caused by the breaching of the Weald-Artois Anticline, a ridge which held back a large proglacial lake in the Doggerland region, now submerged under the North Sea. The flood would have lasted several months, releasing as much as one million cubic metres of water per second. The cause of the breach is not known but may have been caused by an earthquake or simply the build-up of water pressure in the lake. As well as destroying the isthmus that connected Britain to continental Europe, the flood carved a large bedrock-floored valley down the length of the English Channel, leaving behind streamlined islands and longitudinal erosional grooves characteristic of catastrophic megaflood events.[5]

The Celtic Sea forms its western border.

vineri, 17 iulie 2009

Lyrics to Gotta Go My Own Way :
I gotta say what's on my mind
Something about us
doesn't seem right these days
life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
is always rearranged

It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok..

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
gotta do what's best for me
you'll be ok..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

What about us?
What about everything we've been through?

What about trust?

you know I never wanted to hurt you

and what about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you

I'll miss you

I've got to move on and be who I am

Why do you have to go?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now

I want you to stay

I wanna go my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am

What about us?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way

joi, 16 iulie 2009

miley cyrus-wake up america lyrics

Miley Cyrus-breakout videoclip live in berlin

Miley Cyrus-Breakout Live
Vezi mai multe video din Muzica

Lyrics to Breakout :
Every week's the same
Stuck in school's so lame
My parents say that I'm lazy
Gettin' up at 8am's crazy
Tired of bein' told what to do
So unfair, so uncool

The day's too long
And I'm holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
'Cause that's the time when we're gonna (time when we're gonna)

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Hangin' out's
Just somethin' we like to do
My friends and the mess we get into
These are the lessons that we choose
Not a book full of things we'll never use

The day's too long
And I'm holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
'Cause that's the time when we're gonna (time when we're gonna)

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Wish it would never end
Spending time with my friends
Oh with my friends

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go...

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We're gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Miley Cyrus-Full Circle(lyrics)

Lyrics | Miley Cyrus Lyrics | Full Circle Lyrics

Miley Cyrus - Full Circle
Vezi mai multe video din Muzica

marți, 14 iulie 2009

despre anemona niculescu

Nume real: Anemona Niculescu
Data nasterii: 14 Iulie 1979 (30 ani)
Zodia: Rac
Locul nasterii: Constanta
Status marital: necasatorit
Mama: Florina-Jasmine Niculescu
Culoarea ochilor: Caprui
Culoarea parului: Blond
Hobby-uri: Literatura, computere, echitatie, parasutism sportiv, scufundari, calatorii, sculptura, pictura, muzica
Educatie: 1990 - 1992 Scoala de Arta, sectia muzica, instrumentele flaut – principal / pian – secundar; 1993 - 1997 Scoala populara de arta, canto, cu profesoara Gabriela Popescu, Constanta; 1993 - 1997 Liceul teoretic “George Calinescu” Constanta, clasa de limbi moderne: engleza, franceza, japoneza; 1997 - 2001 Facultatea de Arte, Universitstea “Hyperion”, sectia actorie, Bucuresti, profesori: Rodica Mandache si Eusebiu Stefanescu (licenta U.N.A.T.C.); 2001 - 2002 Masterat, U.N.A.T.C. ”I.L.Caragiale”, cu lucrarea de dizertatie “Imaginatia, factor esential in arta actorului

luni, 13 iulie 2009

Miley Cyrus

Astazi pe data de 13/7/2009 am citit ceva foarte rau despre o fata numita Miley Cyrus(Hannah Montana)vedeta pop.Sunt niste lucruri foarte urate despre ea care lumea zice ca ea le face.mie nu mia venit sa cred cand am citit pe internet despre ea si am vazut si niste comenatri erau ft urate.:((

duminică, 21 iunie 2009

Guinnes is only a beer like other ones but it's made in Ireland.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Studies claim that Guinness can be beneficial to the heart. Researchers found that antioxidant compounds in Guinness, similar to those found in certain fruits and vegetables, are responsible for health benefits because they slow down the deposit of harmful cholesterol on the artery walls.[23][24]

Guinness ran an advertising campaign in the 1920s which stemmed from market research - when people told the company that they felt good after their pint, the slogan was born – "Guinness is Good for You". Guinness was told to stop using the slogan decades ago – and the firm still makes no health claims for the drink. Diageo, the company that now manufactures Guinness, said: "We never make any medical claims for our drinks." The company now runs advertisements that call for "responsible drinking". The old slogan is still used abroad however.[23]

Guinness may be unsuitable for a vegetarian diet, as the production process involves the use of isinglass, made from fish. It is used as a fining agent for settling out suspended matter in the vat.[25] The isinglass is retained in the floor of the vat but it is possible that minute quantities might be carried over into the beer.[26]


Guinness (pronounced /ˈɡɪnɪs/) is a popular dry stout alcoholic drink that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness (1725–1803) at St. James's Gate, Dublin. Guinness is based on the porter style that originated in London in the early 18th century and is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. A distinctive feature is the burnt flavour which is derived from the use of roasted barley. For many years a portion of the drink was aged to give a sharp lactic flavour, although Guinness has refused to confirm if this still occurs, possibly for secrecy. The thick creamy head is the result of the beer being mixed with nitrogen when being poured. It is popular with Irish people both in Ireland and abroad and, in spite of a decline in consumption over recent years, is the best-selling alcoholic drink of all time in Ireland [1][2] where Guinness & Co. makes almost €2 billion annually.

The parent company has been headquartered in London since 1932 and was later merged with Grand Metropolitan plc and developed into a multi-national alcohol conglomerate named Diageo.

duminică, 14 iunie 2009

In the animated films made by Sanrio from 1977 to 1985, Hello Kitty has made cameo appearances in them (similar to Disney's hidden Mickey techniques).

The earliest Hello Kitty animated series known was the American-animated (co-produced with Japan) Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theatre, which aired throughout 1986. This show, produced by Sanrio in cooperation with the now-defunct DiC Entertainment, parodies famous fairy tales and blockbuster movies from the period. It was broadcast in the United States on The Family Channel, and a Spanish-dubbed version also aired Saturday mornings on Univision.

The Japanese anime series Hello Kitty and Friends aired on TV Tokyo in Japan, and CBS in the United States in 1991. It also ran in reruns on Toon Disney. On the show, Kitty is a little girl living with her mother, father, and twin sister Mimmy, who is identical to Kitty but has different colored clothes and wears her bow under the opposite ear. 13 episodes were produced, using animation produced as early as 1991.

On Japanese television, Hello Kitty (and her pals) have starred in an anime series. Hello Kitty's Paradise ran for 16 episodes between 1993 and 1994. This version was released in English in 2000, and like "Hello Kitty and Friends". Hello Kitty and friends also appeared in Hello Kitty's Animation Theatre, which had Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters appearing in their versions of different fairy tales. Available in the U.S. from ADV Films (who also own the video/DVD rights to Hello Kitty and Friends & Hello Kitty's Paradise)

pictiures from hannah montana the movie Cyrus stars as Hannah Montana / Miley Stewart in Walt Disney Pictures' Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009). Photo credit by Sam Emerson. Original Size: 3887 x 2588
Lucas Till stars as Travis Brody and Miley Cyrus stars as Hannah Montana / Miley Stewart in Walt Disney Pictures' Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009). Photo credit by Sam Emerson.

versurile din hoedown throwdown(romana)

Apleaca-te Arunca-te

Boom boom aplauda boom si iar aplauda

Incerca cu mine
Boom boom aplauda boom si iar aplauda
Asta e
Boom si iar aplauda
Boom boom aplauda boom si iar aplauda

Haideti toata lumea,jos de pe scaune
Am sa va zic de un ritm
Care iti va misca si picioarele
Am adus Bar-B-Q
Va arat si va spun cum se danseaza
Poti face asta chiar daca ai 5 sau 82
Pocneste,plesneste fa un pic de polka
Cu pic de cauntry si de hip-hop

Ridica mainile spre cer
Intr-o parte si in alta
Sari la stanga
Stai pe doua
Si incepe sa dansezi

Zig zag in jurul podelei
Schimbate pe diagonala
Cand ritmul anunta
Mainile pe solduri
Ridica un picior
Intoarcere la 180
Si apoi un
Zig zag,fa un pas si aluneca
Apoi la stanga,aplauda de 3 ori
Miscate,din cap si din picioare
Dansam cu totii
Asa se face

Dansam cu totii
Asa se face

Ajungem la 4,5,6 si te simti obosit
Dar nu ai cum sa renunti
Exercitiile te fac perfect

Pocneste,plesneste fa un pic de polka
Cu pic de cauntry si de hip-hop

Ridica mainile spre cer
Intr-o parte si in alta
Sari la stanga
Stai pe doua
Si incepe sa dansezi

Zig zag in jurul podelei
Schimbate pe diagonala
Cand ritmul anunta
Mainile pe solduri
Ridica un picior
Intoarcere la 180
Si apoi un
Zig zag,fa un pas si aluneca
Apoi la stanga,aplauda de 3 ori
Miscate,din cap si din picioare
Dansam cu totii
Asa se face

Dansam cu totii
Asa se face

Boom boom aplauda boom si iar aplauda

Pocneste,plesneste fa un pic de polka
Cu pic de cauntry si de hip-hop

Ridica mainile spre cer
Intr-o parte si in alta
Sari la stanga
Stai pe doua
Si incepe sa dansezi

Zig zag in jurul podelei
Schimbate pe diagonala
Cand ritmul anunta
Mainile pe solduri
Ridica un picior
Intoarcere la 180
Si apoi un
Zig zag,fa un pas si aluneca
Apoi la stanga,aplauda de 3 ori
Miscate,din cap si din picioare
Dansam cu totii
Asa se face


Dansam cu totii
Asa se face
Boom boom aplauda boom si iar aplauda
Dansam cu totiï
Asa se face

versurile din hoedown throwdown (engleza)

Boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap

Try it with me
Here we go,

Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap (woah-woah)
That's right
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap (woah-woah)

Everybody come on, off your seats
I'm gonna tell you about a beat
That's gonna make you move your feet

I'll give the Bar-be-que show
And tell you how to move
If your five or eighty-two
This is something you can do (woah-woah)

Pop it, lock it
Polka dot it
Countrify then
Hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky
Move side to side
Jump to the left
Stick it, glide

Zig-zag cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits
Hands on your hips
One footed
180 twist

and then a,
Zig-zag, step n' slide
Lean it left
clap three times
Shake it out
Head to toe
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

We get to four, five, six
And your feeling busted
But it's not time to quit
Practice makes you perfect (woah-woah)

Pop it, lock it
Polka dot it
Countrify then
Hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky
Move side to side
Jump to the left
Stick it, glide

Zig-zag cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits
Hands on your hips
One footed
180 twist

and then a,
Zig-zag, step n' slide
Lean it left
clap three times
Shake it out
Head to toe
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Come on
Here we go
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap de clap
Boom boom clap
Boom de clap

Pop it, lock it
Polka dot it
Countrify then
Hip-hop it
Put your hawk in the sky
Move side to side
Jump to the left
Stick it, glide

Zig-zag cross the floor
Shuffle in diagonal
When the drum hits
Hands on your hips
One footed
180 twist

and then a,
Zig-zag, step n' slide
Lean it left
clap three times
Shake it out
Head to toe
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Do the hoedown (throwdown)
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

Boom de clap
Ba boom boom clap clap clap
Boom dot clap
Ba boom boom clap clap clap
Boom de clap
Boom de clap de clap
Throw it all together
That's how we roll

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009

hannah montana photos
Miley Cyrus arrives for the Rome premiere of 'Hannah Montana: The Movie.'Actress/singer Miley Cyrus arrives at A Time for Heroes Celebrity Carnival Sponsored by Disney, benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, held at Wadsworth Theatre on June 7, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Miley CyrusActress/singer Miley Cyrus arrives at A Time for Heroes Celebrity Carnival Sponsored by Disney, benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, held at Wadsworth Theatre on June 7, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Miley CyrusSinger Miley Cyrus arrives at A Time for Heroes Celebrity Carnival Sponsored by Disney, benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, held at Wadsworth Theatre on June 7, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Miley CyrusSinger Miley Cyrus performs during A Time for Heroes Celebrity Carnival Sponsored by Disney, benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, held at Wadsworth Theatre on June 7, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for EGPAF) *** Local Caption *** Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus arrives for the Rome premiere of 'Hannah Montana: The Movie.'

About Hannah Montana the movie

Hannah Montana: The Movie is a 2009 musical film adaptation of American teen sitcom Hannah Montana. The film was directed by Peter Chelsom with screenplay penned by Daniel Berendsen. The film was produced by David Blocker, Billy Ray Cyrus, Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, Steven Peterman and Michael Poryes. The film stars Miley Cyrus, Emily Osment, Mitchel Musso, Jason Earles, Billy Ray Cyrus and Moises Arias. The twisted tale tells of Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana's popularity begins to take over her life, Miley Stewart, on the urging from her father takes a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners, Tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in life the most.

Filming began in April 2008,[6] much of it occurring in Columbia, Tennessee,[7] and Los Angeles, California,[1][8][9] and was completed in July 2008.[10] The film was released in theaters on April 10, 2009 in the United States and Canada.[11] As the teen sitcom originated on Disney Channel, Disney Channel premiered a teaser trailer of the film during their shows. The film was much anticipated than High School Musical 3: Senior Year, but not in film score.

At the box office, Hannah Montana: The Movie grossed $17.4 million and $32 million on opening weekend, to earn the #1 spot at the box office. The film earned $77 million in the United States and $9 million internationally, putting films total earnings at $86 million. Cyrus arrives for the Rome premiere of 'Hannah Montana: The Movie.'

luni, 4 mai 2009

miley cyrus

I like miley cyrus because she's a really popular girl.I wish I could be her because sometimes i like singing her song like girls just wanna have fun and fly on the wall those two are a really good songs.i like her whole family their all so good.It is quite easy to find interesting facts about miley cyrus at least for someone as young as she is. 
Miley Cyrus is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. Her given name is Destiny Hope, named because her parents believed she would be very successful. She was given the nickname “Smiley” as a young child because she was so happy.
It was later shortened to “Miley” which she goes by today.

duminică, 3 mai 2009

arcul de triumf

În 1921-1922, în contextul încoronării regelui Ferdinand I şi a reginei Maria ca suverani ai României Mari, Comisia pentru organizarea serbărilor încoronării a apelat la serviciile arhitectului Petre Antonescu pentru ridicarea unui impunător Arc de Triumf în zona nordică a capitalei, pe şoseaua Kiseleff. Din cauza timpului scurt însă, doar scheletul construcţiei a fost turnat în beton armat, minunatele basorieliefuri exterioare fiind realizate din ipsos, ceea ce a determinat–odată încheiate serbările încoronării (octombrie 1922)–o degradare progresivă, cauzată de intemperii, a aspectului exterior al Arcului de Triumf, acesta ajungând la începutul anilor 1930 un "monument incomod" pentru imaginea „Micului Paris” interbelic.

De-abia în 1932, în urma unui articol de-al lui Mihai Mora, intitulat sugestiv O datorie imperioasă, situaţia deplorabilă a Arcului de Triumf revine în atenţia opiniei publice, decizându-se nu demolarea monumentului construit în 1922, aşa cum ceruseră unele personalităţi, ci înlocuirea basoreliefurilor din ipsos de pe acesta cu unele definitive, din piatră sau marmură de Ruşchiţa. De data aceasta, autorul–lucrările fiind dirijate de acelaşi Petre Antonescu–a dat edificiului o notă mult mai sobră în ceea ce priveşte finisajul exterior, cerând artiştilor pe care i-a cooptat să se încadreze în această nouă manieră de lucru. Printre artiştii care au lucrat la finisaj se numără Constantin Baraschi, Alexandru Călinescu, Mac Constatinescu, Ion Jalea, Dimitrie Paciurea şi Costin Petrescu, toţi nume cunoscute în perioada interbelică.

Populaţia–cu precădere numeroasele asociaţii şi societăţi ale foştilor combatanţi din primul război mondial–a contribuit cu peste 7 milioane de lei la edificarea Arcului de Triumf, răspunzând cu promptitudine subscripţiilor lansate în cursul anului 1935 de Ministerul Apărării Naţionale. Odată sumele necesare adunate, anul 1936 a fost consacrat integral definitivării monumentului, pentru ca la 1 decembrie în acelaşi an, când se împlineau 18 ani de la Unirea Transilvaniei cu România, să aibă loc ceremonia inaugurării. Momentul a fost marcat de participarea regelui Carol al II-lea, a mamei sale, regina Maria, a prinţului moştenitor Mihai, a membrilor guvernului României şi a numeroşi invitaţi de onoare din ţară şi din străinătate.

casa poporului

Palatul Parlamentului - Casa Poporului

Palatul Parlamentului Casa Poporului s-a construit pe fostul Dealul Spirii (numele unui renumit doctor din zona) dupa anii `80, cind a inceput "urbanizarea " intregului cartier, la "indicatiile ctitorului de geniu". Ridicata pe o colina artificiala ,Casa Poporului are o inaltime de 84m, (cuprinde 12 etaje) are o nota dominanta, impunatoare, iar cu suprafata sa de 330.000 de metri patrati, devine a doua cladire din lume dupa Pentagon. Aici a dorit Ceausescu sa fie resedinta presidentiei,a comitetului central al partidului comunist si al unor ministere. In forma de piramida fara virf (au fost probate citeva cupole, idee la care s-a renuntat) palatul cuprinde vaste holuri, coridoare lungi,nenumarate sali imense, iar cea mai mare se numeste Sala Unirii, cu o inaltime de 16 m si o suprafata de 2200 metrii patrati, aici aflandu-se cel mai mare candelabru din palat, cu o greutate de trei tone si 7000 de becuri.

Dictatorul n-a precupetit nimic, interioarele fiind de un lux iesit din comun: scari imense de marmura, tavane cu dantelarii de ornamente, mozaicuri in culori deosebite, usi bogat sculptate, siruri intregi de candelabre si lampi din cristal, covoare executate pe comenzi speciale, mobila pe masura acestor frumuseti si multe altele.

La Revolutie erau terminate numai citeva incaperi si exteriorul, dupa aceasta data au continuat lucrarile pina in 1997, cind devine Palatul Parlamentului.

Casa Poporului / Palatul Parlamentului In fata lui se deschide Piata Constitutiei (serveste ca loc de desfasurare pentru spectacole, defilari, sarbatoriri) din care porneste apoi bulevardul Unirii (fost Victoria Socialismului), pe care Ceausescu l-a dorit mai lat decit Champs Elysees. Intreaga artera este presarata cu fintini mai mari sau mai mici, bogat ornamentate in piatra si al caror nivel estetic a atras numeroase controverse.

marți, 14 aprilie 2009

După uciderea tatălui său Bogdan, Ştefan vine cu oaste, ajutat de Vlad Ţepeş, domnul Ţării Româneşti, şi - după înfrângerea lui Petru Aron în "tina de la Doljeşti", la 12 aprilie si la Orbic pe 14 aprilie 1457 - merge la Suceava şi pe locul ce se chema câmpia Direptăţii, lângă cetatea de scaun, întreabă pe toţi de faţă, dacă le este cu voie să le fie domn. Întreaga adunare în frunte cu mitropolitul Teoctist, boieri, târgoveţi, ostaşi şi "toată ţara" proclamară pe Ştefan ca domn legiuit al Moldovei în scaunul părinţilor şi strămoşilor acestuia.

Moldova în timpul domniei lui Ştefan cel Mare

În vremea lui Ştefan cel Mare, Moldova se întindea peste toate ţinuturile de la Carpaţii răsăriteni până la Nistru. Ţăranii răzeşi, proprietari de pământ, erau chemaţi la solicitarea domnului la "oaste" în schimbul unor privilegii. Alături de ei, un rol important jucau cetele boierilor, care veneau cu oşteni de pe moşiile lor, şi cetele târgurilor, alcătuite din târgoveţi, care se puteau strânge mai repede în caz de nevoie. Oastea mare a lui Ştefan era deci o "oaste de ţară", la vremea aceea puţini fiind lefegii (mercenari). Ţara era apărată de cetăţi ca Soroca, Tighina şi Cetatea Albă la Nistru, cetăţile Hotinului şi Sucevei la Nord, spre Carpaţi Cetatea Neamţului, iar pe Siret cetatea Romanului. Ţara era stabilă politic şi bogată. Incursiunile pretendenţilor la domnie rare, opoziţia boierilor slabă şi buna securitate a drumurilor îmbia pe negustorii italieni, polonezi sau armeni, să treacă prin Moldova de la Marea Neagră spre Liov (Lemberg) şi invers, aducând din Orient mirodenii, covoare, blănuri, metale şi pietre preţioase iar din Apus postavuri şi arme. Vămile culese de la aceştia aduceau multi bani în visteria domnească. Astfel se explică cum a avut Ştefan mijloace materiale ca să lupte şi să construiască fără încetare în lunga lui domnie. Căci el trebuia să se bizuie numai pe puterile Moldovei, pe sprijinul vecinilor - polonezi sau unguri - nu se putea bizui, şi unii şi alţii voiau să aibă sub suzeranitatea lor Moldova. Pericolul mare îl reprezenta însă expansiunea Imperiului Otoman, care - după cucerirea Constantinopolului la 1453 - de către sultanul Mehmed al II-lea Fatih îşi continua înaintarea în inima Europei.